We are not Biological, Genetic or Neurological Robots
Released on: August 16, 2008, 3:54 am
Press Release Author: Axel Dorscht
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: De-stigmatizing mental problems and demystifying the mind and mental existence, through Active Individual Mental Engagement, individual mental work and effort understanding and managing the mind and mental existence from the inside
Press Release Body: Ottawa, ON, August 12, 2008 -- The Institute for Human Conceptual and Mental Development (IHCMD) announces the launch of a new website on October 10, 2008, World Mental Health Day. The web site will provide a new direction and a different approach of understanding and managing mental problems, the mind and mental existence. It will be a free public service, designed for both users and practitioners.
We are told that 1 in 4 people will suffer from mental illness at some point in their life. Mental problems affect business and economic productivity, the cost of which runs into the billions. In reality, throughout our life, we all experience and must deal with mental problems and difficulties, demands and challenges. Moreover, the way we understand and manage the mind and mental existence affects everything in life we do and we engage in. It affects how we, as individuals, understand and manage ourselves, our behaviour and actions, how we connect, communicate and cooperate with each other, and how we interact with the world around us, with nature and the natural environment. The question is how to deal with and manage them effectively.
We are also told that our behaviour and actions are driven by our genetic make-up and the neurological structure and workings of our brain. It is suggested that mental problems are the results of biological, genetic or neurological illness, imbalance or malfunction. However, in reality, they are the results of what we do or fail to do in the mind and mental existence. They are the results of how we understand and manage our mind and mental existence.
Dealing with mental problems requires Active Individual Mental Engagement, individual mental work and effort understanding and managing the mind and mental existence from the inside. It requires understanding and managing the mind and mental existence as the place where we consciously exist and act, where individually we experience, become aware and must consider the conditions of existence and the world around us, and how to deal with them. It is the place where, individually, we are in charge and in control, where we must actively be engaged and take responsibility for what takes place and what we do. It is where we make choices and decisions, define aims, goals and objectives and where we need to consider, plan, organize and manage our behaviour and actions. The mind and mental existence is where problems and difficulties, errors and mistakes have their roots and beginnings, and where answers and solutions must start.
Furthermore, it requires making understanding and managing mental problems, the mind and mental existence part of daily life, daily work and effort. We need to connect and integrate mental and physical existence, behaviour and action, work and effort into an interactive process. Establishing, in everything we do and we engage in, the necessary internal mental conditions before engaging and dealing with external conditions and the world around us.
Active Individual Mental Engagement is an approach and an understanding that differs from how traditionally and today, in psychology and psychiatry we deal with mental problems, the mind and mental existence. It differs in view and understanding, in focus and concentration, in answers and solutions, and in objectives and results.
For further information, please contact info_at_ihcmd.org. Press Release Distribution By PressReleasePoint(http://www.pressreleasepoint.com)
Contact: Axel Dorscht The Institute for Human Conceptual and Mental Development (IHCMD) Ottawa, ON, Canada (613) 233-8354 info@ihcmd.org http://www.ihcmd.org
Web Site: http://www.ihcmd.org
Contact Details: The Institute for Human Conceptual and Mental Development (IHCMD) Ottawa, ON, Canada (613) 233-8354 info@ihcmd.org http://www.ihcmd.org
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